What We Believe

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Just Believe!

In Mark 5:36 Jesus said to a man whose daughter had just died "Do not be afraid; only believe." The He went and raised her from the dead. What does it mean to believe?  Does it matter what you believe? What if it's a matter of life or death? What do you believe about Jesus Christ? Have you thought about how vital it is to have peace with God? He has declared many things about Himself, about us, and about the importance of putting our faith in Him in this life.
In the church of Jesus Christ, all of us who have received him as Lord and Savior are of one body, the universal church. We know that one day soon we will all be together in heaven with Him, forever.

Meanwhile, here on Earth, there are a lot of different 'flavors' of churches and religions. How do we know what to believe? Wouldn't it be terrible to follow the wrong religion and lose out on Salvation? Well. that's one of the most important 'jobs' of the Holy Spirit, and He confirms truth of the Word of God in our hearts as we hear it.  The following are some basic beliefs of our church, and we are confident in them.  You'll hear these themes woven through all we say and do at IPF.

If you have any questions, please ask us! We always like to talk about God and WHY we believe as we believe. We all just want to know the truth, right?

1. The Bible
The Bible is our perfect authority, inspired by God himself as an expression of His will and plan, and a manual of life for us. We believe that the Bible is truth; what God says in it He means. Furthermore, the more we believe in and follow what He says, the closer we are to Him and the more we'll see His power and presence in our life..
2. The Trinity
Our God is one God in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Yes, we know this will blow your mind, but it's the way God presents Himself to us in the Bible. We can know each 'person' of the Trinity and each has a real and defined purpose in our lives. They are in perfect unity and He desires to make Himself know to us here on Earth.
3. Salvation through Christ alone
We are God's creation. Mankind (Adam and Eve) disobeyed and messed up. This is why we need our Savior, Christ Jesus, who came to Earth, sent here by the Father with purpose to take our sin (become sin for us) and save us. Although God originally  created us in His image and likeness, sin separated us from Him, and since then we are all born as sinners.

But Jesus Christ came to save us, and as the 'second Adam' (1 Cor 15:45), He restored us to our position as 'sons of God' and joint heirs with Him (Rom 8:17). He is the 'way, the truth, and the life' (John 14:6) and there is NO OTHER PATH to salvation except by Him. In Him we find life again through the new birth. 
4. Eternal Life
There is absolute and eternal peace available through Salvation in Christ. Because we are all born in sin and lost, we all have to be born again. Jesus himself said in John 3:3, "...unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." In Romans 10:8-13, God shows us HOW we can be born again. "But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

So we BELIEVE that Jesus is the Son of God who died and was reurrected, and we CONFESS Him as Lord. Spiritual salvation is instant as we believe and confess, and is all because Christ took our place on the cross. The Holy Spirit confirms that we are sons of God (Ro 8:16).

After we are born again, there is a process of salvation where we have our minds renewed by the Word and the Holy Spirit. 
5. Water Baptism
Jesus himself was baptized in water (Mattew 3:13-17) and we are all instructed by God himself to be baptized in water (Acts 2:38-41). It's an awesome and powerful experience that was not only commanded by God, but also that every Christian should experience to proclaim publicly that we identify with our Savior.

There is a baptism coming up soon at IPF. Click in the events for more information on Water Baptism. 
6. Baptism in the Holy Spirit
We see the Baptism in the Holy Spirit also described in the scriptures, starting with the outpouring at Pentecost in the upper room (Acts 1-2). While we understand that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is not the same as Salvation or required for eternal life, we do believe that it's biblical, available, and highly beneficial to all believers. It seems like the BHS is the portal to the gifts of the Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the 'Promise of the Father' that Jesus spoke of, and empowers us to live victoriously in this earthly life. We will always have challenges, but the Holy Spirit powers us through them.
7. Sanctification
This is a big Bible word for a very simple concept. God said in 1 Pe 1:15-17 'Be holy, for I am holy." This may sound impossible, but all He means here is to choose to be as obedient as possible to His Word and live right. The word 'sanctification' just means 'set apart', so God challenges us to each pursue walking with Jesus as our lifestyle. God is perfect and he wants us to imitate him. 
8. Healing and Divine Health
The Bible tells us that perfect healing has been provided in the work of Christ, and therefore is available to us here on Earth. 1 Peter 2:24 reads: "...who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree (the cross), that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes (wounds) you were healed." We believe that we are not just asking God for His mercy, but expecting and receiving what He has already given us.

We understand that there are differences in genetics, experiences, trauma... but healing and divine health is our birthright in Christ and so is already ours in Him. Healing and Health is received and established by faith, just like Salvation. 
9. Jesus is coming back soon!
We are waiting for, and anticipating, the second coming of Christ as described in the Bible. Because of what is happening on Earth today, we believe Christ is coming soon. We are certianly closer than ever. The world is going crazy, and there are prophetic signs happening before our eyes, in the Middle East and all around the globe!

We don't know when, no one does, but if there EVER was a time to be ready to leave this Earth, it's now! Make peace with God through Christ and there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Then we can look at physical death simply as a wonderful promotion :-). As the apostle Paul said, he would prefer to go, but it was better for the others that he stay for a while. Same with us.  
10. Heaven and Hell
Wow, we're not trying to end on a negative, but it's really not. It's actually really GREAT news. Hell is real, but so is Heaven. There is a devil, Satan, whose desire is to destroy us, since we are loved by God. In 1 John 10:10 Christ says "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I (Jesus) have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."

God tells us in the Bible that there is a lake of fire prepared as eternal punishment (an eternal prison) for the devil and his demons. God doesn't want any humans to end up there (1 Peter 3:8-10), but the simple truth is that Christ is the ONLY way to avoid it. Those who reject Christ, will have to end up there.

God has made the way of salvation in Christ so easy, a little child can understand it. Each of us must receive Salvation in Him to spend eternity with Him in heaven. There is no need to wait, pray, or 'get right first'. Just call on Him now! Speak this out, believing that He died for you and that He is your Lord and Savior...Say something like "Lord Jesus, please forgive me for sinning against you. I was blind, but now I turn away from my sin and ask for your salvation. Thank you for dying for me on the cross. I give you my life! Amen."

If that was your first time and you were born again, please let us know. We want to hear about it! Welcome to God's family.

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