What does it mean to be a REAL MAN?

Not what a lot of men think. It's not about how many women you can win over, or how many toys you can afford to buy. Or how scary you can be. God created Adam in His own image. In this life, we get things so twisted around that we lose sight ofwhat it means to be 'godly'. The guys in the Old Testament were warriors. Jesus Himself was a rugged carpenter. We have to rethink what it really means to be a man.

This is a ministry that gets real with the guys. Every man has battles, and there are many voices that try to pull men away from God. If we listen and give place to those voices, we'll end up in a mess. This group is designed to help men navigate through all the lies and garbage and learn to make good decisions...good for themselves, good for their families, and good for everyone else. As men, we were never destined to be weak. We have been designed by God in His image and are supposed to be a bit wild at heart! And God is absolutely NOT weak. Let's learn how to stand strong in our manhood, while still loving God and living in a way that glorifies Him. Life is so much better when we walk with God!


We are a church with many 'Legendarios'. We encourage all our men to participate in a TOP event (Track Outdoor Potential), which entails 4 days in the wilderness with hundreds of other guys, where God confronts us about our character. Legendarios a mens movement that started years ago in Guatemala and seeks the transformation of men, families, and communities through experiences that lead men to find the best version of themselves, fulfilling their potential. As of this writing, there are more than 60,000 men who have gone through this program and have become Legendarios. Their lives and families are better for it. Families have been restored, addictions broken,  and men have found theirpurpose in life.  

The goal is to return the hunter-hero to every family.  There are Spanish, English and Porteugese events throughout the year. Check it out here!

Saturday Evening Mens Meetings

Every 2nd  Saturday from 6-8pm., typically in church homes and sometimes we head out to do stuff outside.

Check out the next event on the events calendar.

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