How can i help?

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...

Mark 10:45

There are lots of jobs to do in the church, both during services and during the week. We have loads of opportunities to serve God and to serve others, and most of our people serve in some area.

Serving is not hard or complicated, and there are some things you can do from the beginning, like cleaning up in preparation for or after the services. Just ask a team member and they'll find you something you can do. Beyond that, we do ask every volunteer to complete a short training process.

Very simply, it's as follows:
1) Enroll in and complete our class 'Establecidos', a 12 week orientation class that covers the basics
of Christianity and explains who we are as a Church. All churches are a little different. We want to
know each other a bit. Sign up in the church reception of look here.
2) Look over the service opportunities. You'll find information here and in the reception area on Sundays.
3) Coordinate with the ministry leader where you'd like to serve. Some ministries have advanced requirements also. The leader will help you understand what to expect and what we will expect of you.

How to Serve in IPF

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.

The FAQ section below lists different areas of service in IPF. We have SO many areas where you can serve! Please look it over, pray and let us know what interests you.
Someone will be in touch soon to help you get involved.

Volunteer Opportunities

Ushers & Greeters

Ushers is the team that supports the service by  serving the people and maintaining order. This involves many tasks, including helping the greeters receive the people as they arrive, helping parents get their kids to  their classes, helping them find seats, serving communion,  supporting the pastoral team during service, and more.  Greeters meet all the people at the door with a smile and help our guests get oriented, finding the classes for their kids, finding seats, and anything else they need.

Praise and Worship

Praise and Worship is a vital part of our services. This team leads the congregation into the throne of God. Our goal in every service is to move from the street to the throne room. Therefore, we try to encourage people to arrive on time, or even early, enjoying the worship time. and preparing to receive from God.  Musical talent is necessary, but it's more about true worshippers serving in the congregation to lead us all into His presence.

IPF Kids (0-11)

We treasure our kids here at IPF. Our heart is to help each child know and experience God from an early age. Kids can understand and be born again from very young, even a few years old.  IPF Kids has several different age groups and we use the e625 curriculum to help kids have a REAL and personal relationship with God. If you love to work with kids, we'd love to give you a place to serve in this area. All our team members are background checked and trained. for the protection of both kids and teachers.

Life Groups

This is an extremely important area of the church., meeting in homes of the church in our area. The main services are great, but there is little opportunity to ask questions and get to know others. Life Groups have three vital roles in a healthy church: social interaction, personal growth, and ministerial training.  All three are very important and much easier to achieve in a small group setting. Life Groups are like family. You may get involved by beginning to attend a Life Group, starting your Discipleship training and start serving in the group. Your group leader will be blessed with your support.

IPF Real Youth (12-18)

Our youth have reached an age where they sometimes question their faith. They may even act out and push back a bit (rebel). We use the e625 curriculum to smooth this transition and keep the kids locked into their relationship with God. This also involves the family, parents having the primary responsibility to raise their kids in the knowledge of the Lord. In the Youth Ministry we support the families and help bridge the gap between parents and their kids. Kids need good role models and leaders/mentors to whom they can relate. This is a vital ministry.  If you love to work with teenagers, we'd love to give you a place to serve in this area. All our team members are background checked and trained. for the protection of both the teens and the teachers.


Prayer is the life blood of a healthy church. We are called to pray both individually, as well as corporately in small groups and in our larger meetings. Prayer changes things because we are putting our faith together in agreement with God and His Word.  We have an open prayer meetings each month, and we also have an intercessory prayer group. They pray for specific situations and families in the church, as well as situations in the community and beyond. We encourage you to get involved with the open prayer group. It's a great way to serve!



If you have a good musical ear and you have a knack for technical stuff, we'd love to introduce you to our sound department. Without good sound, the service is crippled. Our sound techs learn about sound theory and also about the equipment we use. It's a great  way to be involved with one of the most important parts of the service, without being on the stage. 
Multi-Media includes Cameras, Lighting, Song Lyrics and Screen Graphics, Service Live Streaming, Post-Production of the messages, Social Media, and more. We have lots of opportunities in this area and would love to speak with you if you like this kind of stuff. It's a vital part of service and we'd love to talk to you about it.

Creative Arts

Cleaning & Maintenance

Creative Arts is a department that creates and produces video announcements for service announcements, online classes and podcasts, and all sorts of graphic arts, including events publicity , signage, and even cover art for printed materials. If you have talent in this area, please talk to us.
The Cleaning Team kicks into gear before and after services to make sure the building and surrounding areas are neat and presentable. In our present shared facility, we clean up, reorganize and empty trash after every service. Maintenance is limited, because it's not our building, but we like to know the talents we have in the congregation in case we have some minor repairs to do, either in the facility or even as a ministry for people in their homes. Handymen, Painters, Pressure Washers, Landscapers, etc.  We are expanding  our outreach into the community, so these opportunities may increase in the near future. Mechanical ability could be used to provide  minor repairs and oil changes to widows and single moms. There are many  possibilities. Please let us know your talents!

Administrative, Finances & Counting


Church is so much more than a 1 hour message on Sunday. A big part of running a church is the office end of things, which involve corporate activities, board meetings, secretarial and reception, bookkeeping, and offering counting, deposits, etc. If you have office and computer experience, we'd love to see how we can integrate you into the office part of the ministry.  God is a god of order and we need to keep IPF in good order! 
Unfortunately, security is something we have to think about. If you have a military background, or in law enforcement or security, we'd love to know about it. We like to keep our security team trained, alert, and always on duty. We like to think that all of our members and guests are great, but we need to be on guard, just in case.  Florida does not require a concealed carry permit, but we want all our security to be very well trained.  


Evangelism & Outreach

It has been prophesied that in the last days the written word will be greatly used by God to bring in the harvest. We try to always have a great variety of faith-filled Christian books in stock and available for purchase. This means we need people who love books and reading to work serving the people as they choose books to study.  A big part of this is just knowing what we have, keeping inventory and helping us order more materials, and helping people find what they are looking for. As we grow, we'd like to expand into Christian products, and maybe even have a Christian Bookstore/Café. If all this sounds good to you, please let us know if this is you!
This is a huge and varied area of ministry. Growing, healthy churches reach outside their walls. We always have room for more people with great outreach ideas, as well as those who just want to pitch in and help. We can do organized events, offer free cold water and prayer at the beach, knock on doors in nearby neighborhoods...there are so many possibilities.  Please let us know if this rings your bell. The fields are white with harvest!

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