2 Hearts   1 HeartbeAt Marriages

Strong Marriages are the Heart of a Healthy Church (and Community)!

If there's one are where the enemy focuses his attacks, it's marriages and families. God designed marriage in Adam and Eve from creation before the fall, and in Christ he has restored the path and given us all the instruction necessary to have a strong and godly marriage here on this earth. A strong and united marriage is based on our united faith in Christ, learning HOW to love each other, and the choice to walk in love, regardless of the bumps in the road of life. This virtually guarantees our success in marriage. We walk in authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:17), and so we must choose to resist the enemy and yield to the Holy Spirit's guidance (James 4:6-7).

Our marriage group is designed to keep our marriages, and our families, strong and successful. We also understand that many have been through the pain of divorce and now are being restored. Thank God He patiently works in us to lift us out of the ashes and give us a beautiful and fruitful life together. Regardless of your background, there is healing and growth in Christ.  

Come check out the next meeting. We typically gather in homes of the church. You'll find the address on the events page, or just call the church at (941) 355-4618. See you soon!

We meet every month in homes of the church

Please check the calendar for details of the next meeting.

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