Who IS Iglesia Palabra De fe (IPF)?
We are a church...but beyond that we are a congregation of Christ-followers who want to go deeper than just attending a church on Sunday mornings. We seek a life that goes beyond a moment of prayer and finds a way to love our God, Creator and Heavenly Father, to grow in strength and character, and to serve others in His love. We lift up Christ and give place to the Holy Spirit to move in our services and our lives every day.
Though we started as a Spanish church, we are now fully bilingual with Spanish and English from the platform. We seek to reach Hispanics and the Hispanic-connected community with the beautiful, life-changing news of Salvation in Christ. So check out a service, in-person or online. It's probably different than you're used to but we are confident it will bless you!
Our Vision
We have a big vision to reach the world with the message that God has forgiven us through Christ. His plans are always good and never evil (Jer. 29:11), to help us live an abundant life in Christ (Jn 10:10). Our VISION is to “Share Christ with the Nations in the Power of the Holy Spirit and the Truth of the Word of God.” Our Mission is “Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.” We want to win souls and help every person in our community to know Christ and learn to walk in His blessings.
Our Purpose
We believe that every person is deeply loved by God, regardless of their broken condition. We all need Jesus as Lord and Savior, and our goal is to help each person know Him in a very real way. Our personal purpose is MUCH greater than our own life, career, family and hobbies. We all have busy lives, but too many people never step into their calling as followers of Christ and Ambassadors of the Gospel.
Faith is not hard or elusive. We all have faith, it’s just a matter of how much we choose to believe and to walk in it. Our church is not based on four walls and we refuse to be a Christian Country Club. We choose to be the voice, the hands and the feet of Christ, so we are always looking for opportunities to serve each other and serve our community. You can be a part of something so much bigger than your own life. It’s a great adventure in Christ!
What We Believe
What do you believe about Jesus Christ? Have you thought about how vital it is to have peace with God? He has declared many things about Himself, about us, and about the importance of putting our faith in Him in this life.
In the church of Jesus Christ, all of us who have received him as Lord and Savior are of one body, the universal church. We are confident that one day soon we will all be together in heaven with Him. Still, here on earth there are differences between the churches and what they believe, right?
The following doctrinal points represent what we believe as a church. Any questions you have, please ask us. We always like to talk about our God and why we believe as we believe. The ultimate goal is that we grow in the truth.
Logically, there are no multiple truths. There is one absolute truth to be found in the Word of God. The differences then come from our varied interpretations of what God says in his Word. We love all our family in Christ in our variety of beliefs, but we always give first place to the Word of God. IPF church is part of a network of ministries of Rhema Ministerial Association International (RMAI) and Faith Christian Fellowship International (FCFI).
Pastor Peter has been and continues to be ordained by both RMAI and FCFI, but before any denomination or group, we consider ourselves Christians, that is, followers of Christ. Pastora Rocio has been ordained by Shining Light Church here in Sarasota FL and she is a graduate and minister of the Charismatic Church of Lima (formerly Word of Faith Church).
There is no one who understands all the truth of God but some have received more revelation than others in certain areas. Revelation comes from God as a result of our hunger, our discipline in Bible study, and our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, who is our Teacher and Guide.
We present these following ten beliefs solely for the purpose of explaining our understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Christianity. If you understand them a little differently, we love you just the same. What matters most in any doctrine is that you have personally and intimately received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior at some point in your life. In that, we are all family in Christ.
If you have questions as to why we believe what we believe, we invite you to write to us by clicking here.
We believe that every person is deeply loved by God, regardless of their broken condition. We all need Jesus as Lord and Savior, and our goal is to help each person know Him in a very real way. Our personal purpose is MUCH greater than our own life, career, family and hobbies. We all have busy lives, but too many people never step into their calling as followers of Christ and Ambassadors of the Gospel.
Faith is not hard or elusive. We all have faith, it’s just a matter of how much we choose to believe and to walk in it. Our church is not based on four walls and we refuse to be a Christian Country Club. We choose to be the voice, the hands, and the feet of Christ, so we are always looking for opportunities to serve each other and serve our community. You can be a part of something so much bigger than your own life. It’s a great adventure in Christ!
Click here for the Path to Salvation!
Ministerial Team
Rev. Peter Gormley
Lead PastorRev. Rocio Gormley
Co-Pastor & IPF Kids DirectorRev. Ivonne Conde
Executive PastorAndres San Juan
Discipleship 'Established'Mariela Barea
Youth Leader - IPF REAL YOUTHKaren Marmol
Prayer Ministry 'Atalaya'Contact Us
ServIce TimeS
Sunday Service Domingos 10:30 am
Life Groups (in Homes) Thursdays 7:30 pm
Contact Information
Address1872 18th Street, Sarasota, FL 34234
Phone(941) 355-4618