Get Connected Connection CardThank you for connecting with us. We would love to answer any questions you may have and we have a free gift for you for taking the time to give us some information. Name / Nombre* First / Primero Last / Último Nota: Si Ud. vive en nuestra area de Sarasota/Bradenton, estaremos en contacto. Si no vive en nuestra area, le animamos encontrar una iglesia local. Y si no puede, haremos lo posible ayudarles. Bendiciones! / If you live in our Sarasota/Bradenton area, we'll be in contact. If you don't live in our area, please try to find a local church near you. If you can't, please let us know and we'll try to help as we are able. Blessings!Email / Correo Electrónico* Phone / Telf.*Preference / Preferencia* Spanish / Español English / Inglés I would like to learn more about / Me gustaría saber más de:* Jesus Christ and Salvation / Jesus Cristo y la Salvacion Spiritual Growth / Crecimiento Espiritual Baptism in Water / El Bautismo en Agua The Holy Spirit / El Espíritu Santo Child Dedication / Dedicación de Niños IPF Small Groups / IPF Grupos de Vida IPF Kids (0-12) IPF Real Youth (12-18) IPF Ladies / IPF Damas IPF Men / IPF Varones IPF Marriage / IPF Matrimonios Becoming a Volunteer / Ser un Voluntario Please have a staff member contact me / Por favor me gustaría que alguien me contacta How can we help? / ¿Como podemos ayudarle? Δ