We have a lot of activities coming up during the coming months. Find them on our app at: 

Puedes descargar The Church App, que es nuestra aplicación para obtener una vista previa y acceder a las aplicaciones para iglesias impulsadas por Subsplash. Para obtenerla, simplemente busca "The Church App" en la App Store o Google Play. Alternativamente, puedes usar este enlace: The Church App para descargarla directamente. Una vez instalada, podrás buscar y acceder a la aplicación específica de Iglesia Palabra de Fe dentro de The Church App.

You can download The Church App, which is our app for previewing and accessing Subsplash-powered church apps. To get it, simply search for "The Church App" in the App Store or Google Play. Alternatively, you can use this link: The Church App to download it directly. Once installed, you'll be able to search for and access your church's specific app within The Church App.

Or look below: