This is our Level 1 class in English. There are 3 levels with 16 lessons in each level, so 48 lessons in all. The course is based on the Evangelism Discipleship Course by Andrew Wommack Ministries Intl. ( All these videos were produced by Iglesia Palabra de Fe. IPF, with usage rights to the course materials from AWMI.
Welcome to the class. We are sure it will be a blessing to you. Even if you’re already familiar with some of the material, please make sure you have ‘ears to hear’, as Jesus instructed us. We can read or hear the same passages over and over until the day we leave this Earth and still receive more revelation. Revelation of the Word of God comes from the Spirit of God, not from any human teaching. He uses the scripture to add to our understanding, so we need to stay in the Word and listen to His voice THROUGH the material!
The following is our short welcome video.